Your ultimate guide to targeting the results you want and compounding visibility around your creative work.


Let's totally do this. 

YES to start targeting the results you want and YES to start compounding visibility around your creative work.

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I see you there in creative struggle. 

You dream of seeing your name in lights, your work celebrated, and your creative vision realized. You want to be known for your unique genius and have your creative work change lives but instead…

  • You’re spending most of your time writing shit you hate just to pay bills while waiting to get a big byline or find time to work on your book…

  • You’re making short film after short film, but deep down you know you’re not building momentum…

  • You’re auditioning and getting gigs here and there, but can’t seem to book your dream roles or level up…

  • You’re churning out podcast episodes or Instagram reels and are getting fuck-all for traction on any of it…

  • You're spending lots of time and effort to try to position yourself as a leading and visible voice in your area of expertise but can't seem to get traction...

The truth is this: “one day” doesn’t come when you’re only doing the stuff that’s getting you the result you have right now.

Getting off the hamster wheel is fucking hard to the point of feeling impossible sometimes: you want this bigger creative vision to happen for yourself so badly and you know you’re here to do so much more. But you’re doing so many of these other things to just get by that it’s hard to even think about doing more. 

You know something’s got to change. 

Doing the creative work is the fun part, but that’s only half of it. Knowing what to do with the work when you’re ready to release it is the part you’re missing.

Yet, it feels like you’ve already tried everything, doesn't it? You’ve Googled how to better promote your work, you’ve gone to networking events and done your best, you’ve mentioned your projects on social media…

But, you’ve never fully claimed how fucking badass your work is because… you don’t really even know how to do that. And when you do try to talk about it, you freeze

We both know you’re completely over this struggle and it’s fucking exhausting. 

You don’t need to do more. You need to do things differently. 

And until now, most people aren’t willing to reveal this essential part of the process without a five-figure or even six-figure price tag, keeping the same people in power and celebrated again and again in your industry.

I’ve spent the last decade helping people unfuck their creative projects and become strategic about compounding their visibility so they can be seen, so they can set themselves up to flourish, and so they can move forward instead of staying on the repetitive cycle of too little results for so much effort. 

In helping people in their creative work, I’ve seen it all: self-sabotage, sudden drama before what feels like a “big break,” excuses, blaming others, blaming your industry, deciding “the market” isn’t buying what you’re selling, leaping from project to project and not feeling like you have a cohesive body of work to even gain momentum in the first place….

This is exactly why I’m pulling back the curtain. I’ve put all my knowledge, over two decades of experience, guidance and expertise together in this hybrid program called The Seen AF Method. The program is aimed at supporting you to:

  • Become strategic about your work and goals in order to help you level up and get the results you want

  • Learn step-by-step a system to build lasting and compounding visibility

  • Stop the guessing game when it comes to promoting your work and yourself as an artist

  • Get the absolute hell off of that frustrating creative stop-start cycle of burnout and disappointment.

You know that feeling like “this is the project that’ll change everything!”...? What if you knew that feeling was up to you and that you had control over it.

And for the next one.

And the one after that.

And, what if you knew exactly what to do to keep building your visibility and credibility when you’re in-between projects?

How would it feel to know all of your work built on itself and you’re never again stuck in the disempowering (but widely accepted) narrative of waiting around for someone to discover you, to green light your success…?

This is exactly the work we’ll do together inside The Seen AF Method over the next six months as we navigate your exact, unique-to-you pathways to be seen, heard, and have your body of work understood

In the first two phases of The Seen AF Method, we’ll get clear on what makes you one-of-a-kind as a creative artist and identify and develop strategies to work through barriers to visibility. We’ll examine and rework the story of your existing body or work and apply strategies to move toward your goals strategically and create your personalized plan to build and compound your visibility for lasting results. 

In the third phase, we’ll get you seen in your creative truth and shift the focus to the truth of your genius rather than in your limitation. 

Lastly, we’ll work together to put together a custom-for-you plan to keep feeding the system you’ve put in place so as to never have to start building from scratch ever again, so you can measure your progress and adjust as needed for the rest of your career. 

The Seen AF Method is the exact system and support you need to do to get results you want much faster instead of waiting around to “be discovered.”

Because real talk? If what you’ve been doing was going to work, it would have by now. And, it would be filling you up, not burning you out. 

Let's totally do this. 

YES to start targeting the results you want and YES to start compounding visibility around your creative work.

Let's go

What makes this a hybrid program is that you’re not going at it alone; it’s not a check-the-box kind of course. In this program, you have my support and guidance on your projects through weekly group coaching and through access to a community space. 

Let’s get into the nitty gritty:

  • The program is six months because you’re not just learning a strategy; you’re breaking the starving artist paradigm and reframing widely-accepted narratives and I want to make sure you have plenty of time to embody this new framework…

  • Access to four modules to take you step-by-step through every piece you need to start compounding visibility and being strategic about your creative work…

  • Access to a creative community because this transformation doesn't happen in a vacuum and there’s no need to wait for the weekly coaching calls to get what you need, and because it gives you the opportunity to build bonds with other artists and deepen your support system and network not available anywhere else…

  • Access to live, weekly group coaching support because every path is unique to you… 

Fast-action bonus: Enroll now to lock in a 1:1 bonus "unfuck your project" call ($500 value) to book whenever you need it, anytime through the course of the program. 

I’m not promising this is going to get your an Oscar or a Pulitzer, because I don’t know your work ethic or level of dedication or if that’s even what you even necessarily want, but what I do know is this is The Seen AF Method helps you learn to compound your wins, reframe how you approach you creative work and learn the system of being strategic and working smarter not harder. 

And that is necessary if you’re planning to walk onstage and accept your awards. :)

Having shared the framework of The Seen AF Method with journalists, filmmakers, chefs, writers, actors, comedians, dancers and artists of all kinds to help them continuously compound their visibility and put it to use over and over again in their creative work to keep building and expanding their reach.

Yes! I'm so in!

Sign up now to start targeting the results you want and start compounding visibility around your creative work.

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Who am I and why am I offering The Seen AF Method?

I'm Amy Guth. As an experienced film producer, journalist, broadcaster and writer, I've seen way, way too many creative people struggle with visibility and feel frustrated when they don’t progress in their work. I’ve also seen too many talented creative people overlooked and burned out because they’ve never fully claimed the full power of their work and never progressed as much as they’ve wanted to. This program allows me to share my knowledge and experience to support others in strategically building their visibility and achieving their creative goals.

And, I do this because I’m also a working creative leader too, and when the creative people I know and work with are thriving, it’s better for everyone. But also because I never shut up about the topics covered in this program. Like, fucking ever

FAQ: The Seen AF Method

Yes! I'm so in!

Sign up now to start targeting the results you want and start compounding visibility around your creative work.

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